Get your feet dirty and step alongside the gumboots of our local farmers and commercial growers. Join us to experience the diverse journeys shaping Taranaki’s future-focused agriculture industry.

What will the future of farming look like? Gain insights into the technologies and techniques of innovative agriculturalists.

Whether it’s seeing regenerative or organic farming in action, a deep dive into dairy and dry stock, learning about market gardening — or simply checking out the animals — the Farms Trail is for townies and farmers.

Each farm is offering one or more free or low cost tours and talks.

Check out what is on offer on the schedule, or full tour details under each property.

Please register for Builds and Farms Tours, Talks and Workshops here.


Talk & tour

  • Soil health, water quality, biodiversity, and pasture management with regenerative beef farming.

DAIRY farm & POTATO crops

Talk & tour

  • Beginning regenerative dairy farming, trialling organic fertilisers and diversifying.

DAIRY farm

Talk & tour

  • Piloting net-zero dairy farming with carbon sequestration and new technologies.


dairy grazing & TRADING

Talk & tour

  • Sediment and nutrient management, developing wetlands and protecting waterways.

feijoa orchard

Talk, tour & tasting

  • Organic feijoa orchard - certification and regenerative agriculture through livestock and full-cycle farming.

medicinal & culinary herbs

Talk, tasting & workshop

  • Growing and drying medicinal and culinary herbs using permaculture principles.

  • How to infuse oil, vinegar, wine and honey with herbs.


Talk, tour & tasting

  • Growing truffles using symbiosis with hazelnut host trees.

  • Growing herbs and distillation for oils and hydrosols.

  • Growing and using herb combinations for herbal teas.