Maps & schedules
Below you’ll find the map, open hours schedule, and event schedule (general and South Taranaki) for Backyards.
We’ve teamed up with the Centuria Taranaki Garden Festival to create a combined map, making it easier to get out and about and visit gardens from both events.
Green numbers are Sustainable Backyards. Find the Farms and Builds Trail (the following week 11-17 Nov) here.
How to use the map
Too many? Click on the toggle icon in the top left. Select ONLY Sustainable Backyards.
More details? Click the green number to see property descriptions and open hours.
Directions? Click red icon when viewing property details.
Too small? Select the full-screen icon in the top right for a larger view.
Backyards Trail Event Schedule
Info and booking details for bike, bus and van tours can be found under Events, Tours & Travel
Community and school events are currently found under All Events (soon to be updated to Events, Community & School). No need to book or register.
Info and booking details for feature events are found on our home page.
Further description for backyard host workshops and talks can be found under Backyards, the region. No need to book or register.